Sunday 13 April 2014

bffl friends

hi my name is rada and my best friend is lily she is amazing!


she can be rude some times.

WOW! I like her look and persanalaty she is funny and crazy and 
does not look were she is going ahhh! she has hurt her self!
so lets get back to the happy part so... well she is great and she is 8
and I am 7 and a half sorry ahhhhhhh! sorry I hurt my self me and lily are going to the hospis so bye.

hi im back sorry about that im lieing in the sofa eating a appel and me and lily have a brose on are back it hurts so much so lets get back to the blogg. so she loves a lot of things and her favourate
colour is pink and she likes small dogs! same as me sorry we have to go!


Saturday 12 April 2014



i really have bad friendship round the street! nobody likes me  round the street!!!its like i hate people hate me moore!


IT SEEMS LIKE I hate sylvia well i DO!
i hate her so much! she is really mean i dont know what to say how mean she is i hate  the way that she looks at ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like lucas the best! caus he never plans eny thing!

    lucas is always on my teem(well not alwways) but he is number one then goes amealia then lilly then sylvia the tj finally jack! i kinda like amealia she is ausome appart that she can't ta;k proppely

best of all secret!

my best of all secret was that ive allways wanted to become a goth! allways it would be amazing if i was one! id be black dark purple and dark blue!

finishing toutch.

i hope you enjoyed my blog thanks!